Trauma Informed Therapy

Counseling for Women

Counseling with a Trauma Informed Lens

Having a therapist that understands trauma is important if you have had difficult life circumstances. It is important because the context for behavior and responses looks different for individuals with a trauma history. Behaviors such as hypervigilence, feeling on the edge, panic, or fight, flight, freeze responses need to be understood from the perspective of your lived experience. These responses could have been important tools to helping you survive and to persevere. It could give context to exhaustion or overwhelm, particularly if your nervous system is working especially hard.

Our bodies remember and often the need to override our bodies to just get on with it lasts for short periods of time. In therapy the work is to understand not what is wrong with you, but to understand what happened to you. Recognizing that your experiences have informed you and if those experiences have been traumatic, then the impact could be greater.

Recognizing that our systems are wise, that it is optimized to help us get through. We will turn to your experience with curiosity, clarity and compassion.

Questions? Send a message.

Trauma Informed Therapy San Francisco

2211 Post Street #300

San Francisco CA 94115

United States