Mindfulness Therapy
Counseling for Women
Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening for you in the present moment.
Mindfulness is turning your attention to your present experience with compassion, where you can become aware of “what is”. Each moment brings a wealth of information. As you lean into what is happening in the here-and-now, you will have more insight into your experience.
It is through awareness and presence that we are truly able to make changes and to see patterns in how we respond. Once you recognize your patterns, you have more opportunities to make different choices, should you choose to.
Mindfulness can include becoming aware of your physical, emotional, energetic, relational and/or spiritual experience. It can include meditation (guided or self-lead), however it does require it. (For an example of a guided meditation see the video.)
In sessions, I use the tool of mindfulness to help you feel more connected to your experience and to explore what is true for you in the present moment.